Dec 1, 2010


Aku terlebih troll ker?
seriously aku tak tau nak cakap ape...aku rasa aku dah troll the legendary troll in malaysia iaitu Obefied dalam post die baru2 ni....ttg review HD7 yg die dapat offer keje ngan maxis10

n then tetibe klua kat twit die ngan fb die camni

lol...jahat sial aku...habis dia bukak pekung kat dada die di twitter sebab aku troll die...orang tgh serius2 aku pi troll...ada ker patot...anyway baca dr bawah ker atas this one...aku x pandai design macam obefiend

ok obe...if u read this post...aku minta maaf for first aku ingat ko dpt detect y that one is troll...
tapi seriously, deep inside gay heart aku bangga sebenarnya ngan ko...y mana ko nak jadikan troll sebagai silap..blogging sebagai kerjaya...i want to say, keep it up with ur work bro n bersabarlah atas troll fan2 kamu di masa akan datang...jgn ban aku weih...mungkin ini karma kowt...

last but not least

p/s:for new readers that will hate me....first, i want to say...yeah this blog is suck ass..

Plis Define 'Maju'

ini artikel dari utusan melayu
apa najib kata?
try tgk vid nih pulak..kasik orang australia bercerita ttg kemajuan...yerlaaa kalo aku org malaysia nak cerita mesti korg lg berminat kan? here watch it

Sep 30, 2010

makan bersama PM

anda selalu duduk didepan komputer?buang masa main farmville?sangat hebat menggunakan facebook?kawan di facebook anda lebih 700 orang?jika ya,anda semua dijemput menghadiri dinner bersama PM
butir2 adalah seperti berikut:
  • Tarikh: 4 November 2010
  • Masa: 8pm
  • Lokasi: Seri Perdana, Putrajaya
berminat?boleh daftar di sini


jauh betul menyimpang
sedang ko kt jalan nih,ko pegi simpang tempat lain plak
simpang malaikat 44 (apa istilah nih?, takpernah pakai pon sebelum nih) aku jadi camtu

Sep 29, 2010


i sleep
i woke up
i sleep again
i woke up late
everything messed up

Sep 7, 2010

Subliminal message

these couple of days people talking about TV3 raya advert
what so interesting about it?watch this

and then what?
people start become robert langdon and agatha christie...they decipher all the message that what not use in the one from kalamulhaq
to be frank, at first watch i also do not agree with the advert..why?because x meriah langsung,no suasana kampung and bunga api...and the ad also somewhat like want to follow the "seruan kerajaan" 1malaysia with all festives are put all together and put it like it blend with malay culture...WTF?aku dah bosan dengan dis theme laaa to be honest...

so what is my point really?
my point is...when people who is like to decipher all this 'subliminal' message...they just like to relate all those things that in the subject study with the frremasons symbols...but they never fukken post any good sign and symbols that shud been use....or atleast give an example of a video or symbols that good to be referred to...

just blaming of everything and never improving people....sooooooo low of mindset...

Aug 30, 2010


i forgot to update my blog...
first of all
happy ramadhan
and happy increase your amal in last 10 night

hope i will updates this blog soon

time management is fail

Jul 1, 2010

umno rawks!!

as the story starts
for sure it gives an impact to PAS to retain their position
UMNO is become more islamic
its a good tactic from UMNO
their play is simple
announce that they want to propose some non-religious issue
then left it to the people make the sound
if many people hate it
then they conclude what the implementation is
judi bola for example
it's a flip-flop strategy

i love the way they did till this day on
even now...
all 40 young ulama
want to strengthen the iman between members of UMNO
its a good step right?

heyy let they be good..even you said being good that can go haven(not yet heaven) right?
Enhanced by Zemanta

upsr & pmr

last week we received a news telling about upsr &pmr abolishment
at first muhyiddin just telling that he suggesting to do this
later the headmaster council also support the implementation
but for me
there's a flaw here
we should think what should have and what not
for me upsr is still relevant for these days
because when you change from primary to secondary
there's a lot of changes happen
students doesn't easily can be adapt with the syllabus of secondary
so i think upsr is like a transition state or like 'jumpa bos kecil sebelum jumpa bos besar' for the gamers
yeahh...they need transition
even when kids do reach secondary
they reach their puberty
they have some of change of attitude
its true that emotion and surrounding plays a major role in the change of the education

i don't think it should has been exist
students who benefit to this type of examination is only for who is change their school for upper secondary
yeahh student who enter mrsm,change sbp,masuk klcc,makan kt kfc
change of syllabus?
i don't think its a big change rather than from primary to secondary
what really change here is
student heart
here the state where they like to loving doving,rebellious against school and parents
the state of their thinking is same after all

even now they want to consider co-cu achievements
it's nonsense
at first they want to abolish all that to concentrate on study
but then
they want the students to active in co-cu
so how the flaw it is
i do think being active in co-cu is good
but don't make it pressure on it
student loves to be relax
if they pressure
that is what happen to the student who get many A's
which the reason why they want to abolish examination
"yuu,i don't understand what you mean"

lets me give you some example
years back
amalina get 17 A1s
this happen by the pressure of exam
so what happen if they pressured by co-cu?
they will give born to the student
lets say his name is donaghue
he's a school prefect, head for dormitory, head for the religious club,head of clean toilet club
and many more
so what happen to the rest of the student?
they will feel inferior
and this is not a healthy compettition for students

study should be done fun

i'm a student and i do feel kiasu while study..but in uni level i realize i've been bullshitting all my years back by being gila pangkat..
Enhanced by Zemanta

Jun 13, 2010

tolong ngaku sape buat

gambar nih gambar kacang...ade org tulis "Allahu Akbar"....
berlaku kat bandar jerteh terengganu...
bukan satu ni jer...
ayat suci untuk buddha pon ade...nih bole ganti perhiasan karpet/kulit binatang kat umah korang
kalo korg nak...boleh dapatkan satu pek kristal dkat pasaraya dekat bandar jerteh...harga rm2.90...itu jer maklumat yg ada...sekian~
berita nih dr sinar harian...untuk makluman sinar harian selalu delete berita y ada

i do see outside the window when it's morning

May 26, 2010

how to make your blog becomes popular

how do i fukken know how to do it

this is only the 3rd post mangggg~


May 24, 2010

write the future

ini ad nike yang terbaru untuk world cup 2010 yang bakal tiba lg 2 3 minggu dr skarang
saya sappork mmmm...jap maseh tgh decide lg...FYI saye mmg suke buat keputusan lambat cam haram

do you have balls?

here i come

dis is my first entry in this blogging activity
guess what
i'm a blogger now

don't allow him 'cause his the one will make chaos